Frequently Asked Questions

Who makes decisions for United Way of Adams County?

United Way of Adams County is a volunteer-driven organization. Its board of directors is comprised of knowledgeable community leaders, all of whom live and / or work in Adams County. The board establishes policy and allocates resources to assure that United Way of Adams County is properly managed.

What does United Way of Adams County do?

United Way of Adams County continues to strive to create a stronger, healthier community for everyone. It now plays an expanded role, as a community-builder. In partnership with business, government, and other nonprofit groups, United Way gets people talking about big issues that affect the whole community – and helps gather resources and connect the people to bring about change. Working together, in a united way, we can all do more collectively than we could do by individually.

Is United Way of Adams County controlled by its national organization, United Way Worldwide?

No. United Way of Adams County is an autonomous local organization. All funding policies and decisions are made by local volunteers. The organization receives services from United Way Worlwide, a trade organization that assists more than 1,200 local United Ways with market research information, licenses use of the United Way logo, and helps cultivate relationships with major national employers as well as the National Football League (NFL).

Does the money United Way of Adams County raises stay in Adams County?

Aside from dues paid to its state and national organizations, the funds raised benefit Adams County residents.

How can I become a volunteer?

United Way and its Community Partners have many volunteer opportunities available. To learn more, please visit our GetConnected dashboard or contact the United Way office at (260) 728-2056.

I don’t live in Adams County. Why should I give?

United Way supports local community services. If you like, you can choose to designate your gift to a United Way in another community.

Who determines which programs are funded?

The campaign raises funds for many programs, all judged important by volunteers serving on our community investment team through the allocation process. Community Partners complete an extensive grant fund application to prove their alignment with our pillar areas of health, education and income stability. Each is carefully interviewed by a team panel. We welcome you to join our team and assist us in making these determinations. The programs that we fund serve a wide range of human needs. If you feel strongly about directing your gift, please see use the designation area at the bottom of our pledge form.

Does United Way of Adams County Planned Parenthood?

No. Some people have incorrectly assumed, or been misinformed, that the local United Way funds Planned Parenthood. That is not true. Please reference our 990 under financial documents to view the list of community partners that we fund.